Anyone who seeks after God will experience the conflict spoken of by Paul in Romans 7, for the flesh and the spirit are contrary to one another. The things you want to do, you don't, and the things you do not want to do you end up doing.
But is this what God had in mind by "the glorious salvation."?Bear with me now..this is where it gets interesting. Who was Romans 7 written about? Many think this was Paul giving his present testimony, but it is not...far from it. If you read closely, Paul was describing a man whowas under the law, and at one time that had been the max, and it leaves one defeated, in constant conflict and unable to experience the triumphant walk God has for every one of his children.
Why, because the flesh and the spirit are in conflict. The man or woman under the law will find, sadly, that the good we want to do, they cannot, for the flesh rebels. And the evil they try so hard to avoid hunts us down constantly and captures us again and again. It leaves one in a state of wretchedness as Paul described.
Is this the glorious salvation our Lord wrought for us? In a word, no. Look back at Romans 6. Look forward to Romans 8. This is the testimony of a man who is walking in the spirit and is no longer under the bondage of the flesh. Why? Because by faith he has believed the words of promise God has given to us, that "we are dead and our life is hid with Christ in God". This is a man who has reckoned himself dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God. This is a man who by faith alone, not "white knuckle" Christian diligence, has "put off the old man, with his deeds, and has put on the new man, created in righteousness and true holiness." and has found the secret to victory.
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, I can write volumes to you, but this certainly is enough to either whet your appetite for full victory, or to repel you, thinking these are the rantings of a madman and a heretic. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer, or talk to you personally.
One last thing....this is NOT theory. My own personal testimony for 21 years was Romans 7, and I was far more wretched than most. It was not until I was led by the spirit to put on the whole armor of God by faith alone and believe the promises are mine....NOW.... that I found the yoke Christ offers to be a gentle and easy one. This gospel works and God is restoring the truth of sanctification by faith back to his bride.
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