If we are free indeed, then why do we see the multitudes still laboring in captivity?
If God promises to provide a way of escape in every temptation, then why do we see so few taking advantage of it?
If His yoke is easy and His burden is light, why do so many walk burdened and heavy laden?
If sin shall not have dominion over us, why are most still bound?
If the joy of the Lord is our strength, then why are most so joyless as His people, and thus prey for the enemy?
If we are promised to mount up with wings of an eagle, why the masses still walking as Kiwi birds, and not even attempting to flap their wings and soar?
If the strength of sin is the law, why do we insist on clinging to it?
If by the law is our schoolmaster to bring us to the feet of Christ, why do we refuse to graduate?
If we are now light in the Lord, we do we believe we are still "just sinners"?
If nothing profits but a new creature, why do we insist on trying to reform the old one?
If we are instructed to reckon ourselves dead to sin, not dying to it, why do most instead try to kill it themselves?
If we are to overcome the wicked one by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, and we are still yet overcome, where does the problem lie?
If God promises for us to ask what we will, and it shall be done for us, if we do not doubt in our hearts, why do we see so few prayers answered?
If dying to self is to be done a little at a time, why do we see no older saints walking in victory?
If without faith it is impossible to please God, why do we insist on not believing what his word tells us about who we are in Him?
If the shield of faith quenches all the fiery darts of thw wicked one, why are most lives constantly still suffering the piercings of his arrows?
If there is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, why is condemnation such a central part of the walk of most all saints?
If God has promised to cause us to will and to do of His good pleasure, then why are we still walking in failure?
If God promises to keep us from falling, why are so few truly kept?
If there is a balm in Gilead, what is the health of the daughter of His people healed only slightly, saying peace, peace, when there is no peace?
This is not meant to condemn or point a finger. It has one goal, and that is for those truly hungering after the glorious liberty of the children of God to find that our God does not lie. He does not over promise and under deliver. He does not exaggerate. There remains a rest for the children of God, now, in THIS life, and He has far more for us that we have ever imagined.
Listen closely to these words of our Lord:
"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."
John 8:31-36
In light of what we have been promised in this one scripture alone, what is the cause of the gospel not doing what it has clearly promised to achieve in our lives? Is it that we are not trying hard enough? No, that is the law speaking. And it is that very law that keeps most to this very day in bondage and the flesh very much alive. We do not have to have written commandments to be under its grip. We just have to have confidence in our flesh to be able to obey, if we just try hard enough. This is the Law and it will leave you wretched and broken, not free indeed.
There is but one way to free ourselves from the grip it has on us....agree with it, that we are guilty and and have no hope of ever fulfilling its words, because we cannot do it. Our problem is not that we are too weak. Our problem is that we have been too strong, and have not yet fallen on the stumbling stone and been broken of our self confidence. The pathway to God is one of faith alone, and it is impossible to exercise faith if our trust is not in Him 100%. He must get ALL the glory, for He alone is worthy.
The promises of God are yea and amen and we serve a God who cannot lie. The gospel is indeed the power of God unto salvation. The walk He offers all of us is still "the glorious liberty of the children of God"....now...in this life. But the law cannot inherit the promises of God....that is reserved for grace thru faith alone.
If you find you are one that is not experiencing the goodness of God and finding His clear promises are not true for your own personal walk, do not fear. Do not give up. Continue in His word. Seek Him with your whole heart. Tell Him in truth that you cannot walk pleasing to Him in your own strength. It will not shock Him nor surprise Him. In fact, it will please Him, for this is what he has waited patiently for. Like the father greeting the prodigal, our God longs to kill the fatted calf for us. But He did not do it until the son returned broken and humbled, seeking the full care of the Father. only desiring to serve Him.
Not until we clearly see that "Without Him, we can do nothing, can we truly experience the truth of "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me". He awaits our cries out of our weakness for Him to be strong IN us. Shall we wait one minute longer to fall at his feet to receive this amazing grace He has reserved for us?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Are riches wrong?
Are riches wrong? Is it sinful to has a nice car, a house on a hill, travels to exotic places and closets full of clothes? Not necessary. One can indeed abound and yet not hold onto any of it, willing at a moments notice to say to God "Yes, Lord" if He tells to to sell all to follow Him. Zaccheus did it. Jospeh of Arimathea did it. But how rare it is that this can be done! How ignorant we have become in the body of Christ as to the dangers lucking in the way we live in relationship to riches and worldly possessions. How blind we have become to the truth that Jesus shared when He said "How hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven."
If only we could see that the danger in riches is not the riches themselves, but the trusting in them. Why should we seek the comfort that only God can offer us, the indwelling Spirit, if we seek with all our hearts after the creature comforts this life has to offer? How can we believe the amazing promises of God if our hearts are not willing to sell all to get the pearl of great price? This is why we are warned again and again about the deceitfulness of riches. It divides our heart and makes true faith towards God impossible.
Do not console yourself if you do not consider yourself rich. To many in the world, you arerich beyond belief. Perhaps in your mind, not so. It makes no difference. It is where your heart is towards them that is the great revealer of where your heart lies. You may be surviving on $9.00 per hour, and still find covetousness and avarice rules your thoughts. As Paul clearly says, it is also to them that would be rich, not just those that are.
"But they that would be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."
1 Timothy 6:9
It brings to mind Esau, who traded his birthright for a mess of pottage, demanding immediate gratification rather than the patience and wisdom to wait for true riches. Thank God there is also a Moses, who gave up the riches and power he had in Egypt and counted his service to God of more value. Thank God there is a Paul, who willingly threw off the esteem of man as "the pharisee of the pharisees", and set his affections solely upon Christ and the fellowship of His sufferings.
How did Paul put it? He said that the riches of man, the praise of others, are but dung, and not worthy to even be compared to the glory that Christ shall reveal IN US! Where is our treasure? Is it here? Then we best get to enjoying it for this is all we get. Or are we wise amongst fools, knowing that the treasure we seek is a heavenly one. Yet how wonderful our Lord is to give us the downpayment, the earnest of our inheritance here on earth....Christ in us, and the victory of walking free indeed in Him.
If only we could understand that Heaven is but the beginning of the unfolding of the goodness of God. Do you fear you will be bored in Heaven? Don't count on it. Listen to this promise of our Father!:
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has even entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for them that love Him."
1 Corinthians 2:9
Do you see this? Let your imagination soar! Walk to the far extremes of your imagination as to how God might award us for being overcomers. It is not even close. There are ages to come...ages! Now revelations of His wonderful love for us. Shall we live as brute beasts as Esau did, and tell God "No thanks, I'll take my reward now, if you please." Shall be be like Ananias and Saphira who tried the best they could to have one foot in this world and another in the kingsom of God?
The valley of decision is now coming into view for many who have tried to experience the glorious liberty of the children of God with their feet firmlyplanted in this life. God has up till now been patient with our procrastination. But soon, tonot make a decision that we will follow our Lord no matter what the cost, is to have already made it. Thank God it is still not too late to repent and throw ourselfves upon the mercy of God to save us from the deception the enemy has thrown in our paths.
But you might argue..."Hey! If I got a lot of money, I would use it for His kingdom...for helping the poor...to relieve the struggles of brothers in the church." Perhaps, but do not be too sure of that. Have you been faithful to do this with littlet thus far in your walk? If not, then neither will you if you win the lottery or get the huge promotion.
Jesus asks each of us, "Lovest thou me more than these?" These things? These praises of men? These worldly pleasures? Do you really love me with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength? He is not talking about our church doctrine, or a memorized law. This is a real question and the Lord will one day get a real answer. For many, I fear, the answer will lead to weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, for then there will be no second chances. The time of repentance has passed away into oblivion.
All that can be shaken, will be shaken. No one will end up sitting on the fence. We cannot serve both God and mammon. CANNOT.
Understand, it is not the things themselves that are the issue. You can give it all away, and still be empty. Make God your treasure. Seek Him like you are digging for gold. He is not far off, and has promised thst we will seek Him and we will find Him, when we seek Him with our WHOLE hearts.
If you have an opinion, either agreeing or disagreeing, I welcome it here. I think it is high time we discuss this big elephant in the room that few want to admit is there.
If only we could see that the danger in riches is not the riches themselves, but the trusting in them. Why should we seek the comfort that only God can offer us, the indwelling Spirit, if we seek with all our hearts after the creature comforts this life has to offer? How can we believe the amazing promises of God if our hearts are not willing to sell all to get the pearl of great price? This is why we are warned again and again about the deceitfulness of riches. It divides our heart and makes true faith towards God impossible.
Do not console yourself if you do not consider yourself rich. To many in the world, you arerich beyond belief. Perhaps in your mind, not so. It makes no difference. It is where your heart is towards them that is the great revealer of where your heart lies. You may be surviving on $9.00 per hour, and still find covetousness and avarice rules your thoughts. As Paul clearly says, it is also to them that would be rich, not just those that are.
"But they that would be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."
1 Timothy 6:9
It brings to mind Esau, who traded his birthright for a mess of pottage, demanding immediate gratification rather than the patience and wisdom to wait for true riches. Thank God there is also a Moses, who gave up the riches and power he had in Egypt and counted his service to God of more value. Thank God there is a Paul, who willingly threw off the esteem of man as "the pharisee of the pharisees", and set his affections solely upon Christ and the fellowship of His sufferings.
How did Paul put it? He said that the riches of man, the praise of others, are but dung, and not worthy to even be compared to the glory that Christ shall reveal IN US! Where is our treasure? Is it here? Then we best get to enjoying it for this is all we get. Or are we wise amongst fools, knowing that the treasure we seek is a heavenly one. Yet how wonderful our Lord is to give us the downpayment, the earnest of our inheritance here on earth....Christ in us, and the victory of walking free indeed in Him.
If only we could understand that Heaven is but the beginning of the unfolding of the goodness of God. Do you fear you will be bored in Heaven? Don't count on it. Listen to this promise of our Father!:
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has even entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for them that love Him."
1 Corinthians 2:9
Do you see this? Let your imagination soar! Walk to the far extremes of your imagination as to how God might award us for being overcomers. It is not even close. There are ages to come...ages! Now revelations of His wonderful love for us. Shall we live as brute beasts as Esau did, and tell God "No thanks, I'll take my reward now, if you please." Shall be be like Ananias and Saphira who tried the best they could to have one foot in this world and another in the kingsom of God?
The valley of decision is now coming into view for many who have tried to experience the glorious liberty of the children of God with their feet firmlyplanted in this life. God has up till now been patient with our procrastination. But soon, tonot make a decision that we will follow our Lord no matter what the cost, is to have already made it. Thank God it is still not too late to repent and throw ourselfves upon the mercy of God to save us from the deception the enemy has thrown in our paths.
But you might argue..."Hey! If I got a lot of money, I would use it for His kingdom...for helping the poor...to relieve the struggles of brothers in the church." Perhaps, but do not be too sure of that. Have you been faithful to do this with littlet thus far in your walk? If not, then neither will you if you win the lottery or get the huge promotion.
Jesus asks each of us, "Lovest thou me more than these?" These things? These praises of men? These worldly pleasures? Do you really love me with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength? He is not talking about our church doctrine, or a memorized law. This is a real question and the Lord will one day get a real answer. For many, I fear, the answer will lead to weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, for then there will be no second chances. The time of repentance has passed away into oblivion.
All that can be shaken, will be shaken. No one will end up sitting on the fence. We cannot serve both God and mammon. CANNOT.
Understand, it is not the things themselves that are the issue. You can give it all away, and still be empty. Make God your treasure. Seek Him like you are digging for gold. He is not far off, and has promised thst we will seek Him and we will find Him, when we seek Him with our WHOLE hearts.
If you have an opinion, either agreeing or disagreeing, I welcome it here. I think it is high time we discuss this big elephant in the room that few want to admit is there.
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