Sunday, August 30, 2009

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog. The title should give you some idea of the content. If you are a Christian, you will hopefully be familiar with the words, written by the Apostle Peter:

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises:
that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature..."

2 Peter 1:4

Here, in this simple verse, is hidden one of the most important truths a Christian can possess, a key to unlocking the shackles of failure, sin and the fleshly carnal nature that seem to enslave the churches today, both corporately and individually. This blog will be controversial. Many will not like the truths it reveals, Many others will scoff or doubt, but I make you a solemn promise, here on the first day of the blog, that if you will press through the crowd of doubters who would attempt to keep you joyless and defeated in your walk with Christ, you will experience a walk you have only dreamed of, a walk of victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.

Even now, I can see the raised eyebrows and doubts creeping in. I am used to it, trust me. LOL. But it makes no matter.... the promises of God are still yea and amen, surer than the sun will rise tomorrow morning. In this blog site, I hope to simply be used of our great God to open up truths in His word that have been hidden from so many eyes, and as you will see, hidden in plain sight!. They do not have to be twisted, nor woven into complicated doctrinal theory. You do not have to be smart, nor religious. As a matter of fact, more often than not, those can often times be more of a hindrance than a benefit.

In EGAPP, We will wade boldly into the promises of God, one by one. His promises are not meant to only be crocheted on pillows, or printed exquisitely on beautiful plaques and sold in Christian bookstores. His promises are given to us to be walked in! One by one, as we dsicover why Peter called them the "exceeding great and precious" promises, a brand new perspective on God and what He offers us freely, will be born.

He has forgiven us, yes, and that is a blessed thing. But how often we have started out our journey full of love ablaze, and after years of serving Him, we find ourselves with not enough heat to even keep ourselves warm, let alone be of any real help to others? Too often.

There is more, dear brother and sister in Christ. Far more! Exceeding great promises. This is our heritage as children of God in this life! Make no mistake, this is not some nice little religious blog, it is a revolution in the making, a radical overthrowing of the enemy of your soul.

Make no mistake. There is a cost here. As the saying goes..."it may be free, but it ain't cheap". But to those of you who are desperate for an answer, hungry for more of Jesus and less of you, you are about to be blessed beyond imagination.

Now how can I make such a bold and almost "arrogant" statement? It is simple. Read the second part of the above scripture....

" ...that through these, you might be partakers of the divine nature....."

If I am honest, I must admit that even I can scarcely take it in. What is the purpose of God giving us the promises? Victory? Yes! Defeating secret sins and lusts that plague our walks? Absolutely! But lest we come short of why we were saved to begin with, why God even called us. the purpose of our salvation is clear...for God to fill us with Himself and fill us FULL.

Welcome again to EGAPP, a blog like no other. In the days and weeks to come, we will not only learn about what God has promised us, but why up till now we have not enjoyed those promises. We will learn how apply them and how to make them the sure mercies of David, eliminating the roller coaster, three steps forward- two steps back walk so many are familiar with. We will explore the new covenant of God, for it indeed IS the covenant of promise, and the old covenant, the law of commandments, and how it has robbed us our our victory up till now.

If you have any comments or questions, I welcome them. As the saying goes, the only bad question is an unanswered one. May God richly bless you and may the results for all here be that we experience what Jesus had in mind when he said we would be FREE INDEED!


For questions, simply e-mail me at

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